
Greenwood Prince Series

The Greenwood Prince series is a collection of related, mostly humorous stories about Legolas and his family, including his romance with Cellinn and the many rather ridiculous situations that arise in the Greenwood when Legolas brings a dwarf home to visit. Series is set from the early 3rd Age into the 4th.


Greenwood Prince Series

Story List in Chronological Order


Downhearted And A Bit Put Out

Thranduil finds himself the object of his wife's ire. Rating: PG-13


Wild Roses

Can love bloom between close friends? Or will maturing prove to be the thorn that drives them apart? A story of friendship and love in the Greenwood. Early 3rd Age. Rating: R (Mature Readers Only


A Dragon Among Elves - Deep in the forests of Mirkwood, dark creatures dwell — waiting for the chance to ensnare any elf that underestimates them, and the youngest son of Thranduil is no exception. A prequel to Surprises in the Greenwood and Shocks in Erebor. Rating: PG-13


Before the Sun Rises - Deep in the forests of Mirkwood, dark creatures dwell — waiting for the chance to ensnare any elf that underestimates them, and the youngest son of Thranduil is no exception. a Prequel to Surprises in the Greenwood and Shocks in Erebor. Rating: PG-13


Choose Your Battles Wisely - During the Quest they despised each other, but a moment in time changed that to the surprise of all. The beginnings of an unusual friendship. Rating: PG


Surprises in the Greenwood - Returning home after the Fellowship parts ways in Rohan, Legolas and Gimli are treated to many surprises in Eryn Lasgalen, and Gimli finds there is much he does not know about his friend. Rating: PG-13


Shocks in Erebor - The sequel to Surprises in the Greenwood. What will happen when Legolas keeps his promise to Gimli to visit the Lonely Mountain? He'll be shocked, of course! Rating: PG-13


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